Nash!Com Workspace
Demo & Evaluation


For us customer satisfaction comes first. Therefore we always try to find the best solution for every customer. Knowing the customer infrastructure and the background of a problem we provide solutions fitting perfectly in the existing infrastructure and corporate strategy.

Some people work like "If you only have a hammer every problem looks like a nail" but we try to use the appropriate tool or language for each problem (@Formulas, Script, Java, C-API, ...).

To prevent seeing problems and solutions just from a single angle we do research and development with the latest HCL Notes & Domino technology and products and have up to date know-how of operating systems, hardware and network infrastructure.

In addition we try to help customers to understand HCL Notes&Domino technology by providing background information and help to integrate large infrastructures. Identifying problems before implementing solutions and to provide detailed information does help to keep projects within the planed time schedule and costs.

NashCom developed a number of flexible and customizable solutions that can perfectly fit into your infrastructure. In case it does not fit we modify your solutions for your special needs or help by developing customized solutions.

We identified HCL Notes and Domino as a powerful platform for e-business and collaborative applications. HCL messaging and collaborative services is a key factor of business operations. Therefore we help companies to understand the ideas that are behind the product and to get the most benefit from using Notes and companion products in their organization. Notes is not just a product. It changes your daily work.
