HCL Notes & Domino is a very powerful but complex product. Therefore a single company cannot have complete expertise about each and every part of Notes/Domino and Add-on products. Nash!Com is working very closely with a number of experts around the world to ensure to provide the best solutions for our customers.

Nash!Com is working together with a number of selected international Business Partners and have strong relationships to top consultants for HCL collaboration products world-wide. Below you find an extract of companies we are working together with.

The Penumbra Group is a select group of HCL Business Partners who have pooled technical resources and management skills to create the ideal Notes provider network. We offer the competence and breadth of much larger companies. In addition, we deliver the full attention of each member company's principal developers to each project. Currently over twenty Penumbra member companies worldwide are providing a full range of Notes services to hundreds of clients.
In addition to providing an opportunity to participate in an extremely high level informal Notes technical discussion, membership in The Penumbra Group provides Nash!Com with an expert network of Notes and Domino experts around the world who can be engaged by Nash!Com to work on our client's projects.

Visual Solutions is focused on Web Development, Database Publishing and CD-ROM Publishing. The company has in depth knowledge in all areas of HCL Domino Web Development. Visual Solutions and Nash!Com are closely working together in this area combining up to date Web development and Domino infrastructure expertise to help customers to create compelling websites and integrated e-business and e-commerce solutions.
TIMETOACT Software & Consulting is specialized in developing content management, e-business and e-commerce applications based on Domino. TIMETOACT has a solution framework for Domino Websites which accelerates custom application development tremendously. In addition TIMETOACT provides a security solution for HTTP intruder detection "SecureDomino" based on DSAPI which was ported by Nash!Com to UNIX, Linux and OS400. Together we help customers in the HTTP security area providing out of the box and customized solutions.